Lawn Bowls is a courteous game and courtesy towards one’s team-mates and opponents is to be maintained at all times. Churlish and offensive behaviour will result in a formal reprimand and persistent poor sportsmanship will lead to expulsion from the club.
When other clubs visit our green, it is required that they also adhere to the basic rules of good etiquette.
Some rules are specific to the game when upon the green, but the following apply at all times –
Win with modesty and lose with grace.
Bad language shall not be addressed to fellow members or visitors at any point, nor adverse comments made about their skill voiced in public. Everyone can have a bad day on the rinks.
If you are engaged in an arranged game, arrive in good time, not at the last minute. If unforeseen circumstances mean that you arrive only just in time, and have not been able to alert your opponent or team mates, explain and apologise. Failure to arrive at a competition game at least five minutes before said game shall result in forfeiture of the game, unless communication has been made with your opponent(s) at least fifteen minutes before the due start.
The requirements of the Manager of the Green in terms of precautions to protect the condition of the green, eg use of mats when wet, shall be adhered to without demur. Refusal to play according to these requirements by any party shall lead to their forfeit of any match or game.
Smoking and vaping are not permitted either in the clubhouse or outside, within the club leasehold.
Green Etiquette –
Players’ mobile phones must be turned off during matches.
Players at the head end should remain still and quiet whilst a bowler is in the process of playing their wood. Roll ups are informal, but during competitions and inter-club games, speech should be kept to a minimum and should be quiet.
Do not trespass onto other rinks in play, and prevent any wood which veers out of your rink lane from impeding the neighbouring rink as soon as possible. If you have to leave the rink for any reason during the game, alert your team-mates/opponents, and do not delay the game any longer than necessary.
If the umpire is called upon to make a decision, that decision is final, and no disputation of it is permitted.
Always acknowledge the good play of a team-mate or opponent. Do not criticise the play of either. Nobody tries to play a poor shot.
Treat the green with care – it is the only one we have! Do not toss your bowls onto the surface, and try to make your deliveries such that they do not crash onto the surface. The odd slip is inevitable, but there are qualified coaches to assist you if your bowling style results in a consistent thud of the wood upon the green.
Remember – no green, no bowling.
At the end of the game, always shake hands with the other players and be polite.
Always assist other players in removing the equipment and tidying up.